Ebony Lane Project
In this project, a young couple was remodeling their first home together. She wanted a traditional American-
style living room and he wanted a home theatre. With only one room to work with, Unique Installation, LLC.
found the perfect solution: a retractable projection screen that lowers in front of the fireplace, curtains, and
lights all controlled by remote. The couple couldn’t be happier.
From demolition to completion, see how someone's dreams came true.
When we first started Creating a flat surface Hallway before
After adding some lights Selecting colors and painting Hallway part 2
In the hallway we installed all the equipments in racks, so it wont take away space from the living room.
After adding some furnitures, crown mouldings, hardwood floors, recessed lights, hallway doors, painting,
curtains and some tender loving care, finally here is the satisfying en result.
... and back to Living Room again.
From Living Room to Movie Room ...
Special Thanks to: All the crews that were working on this project and made everything smooth and possible.
- Euro-Painting for the color design and painting.
- Zoliwood (Zoltan Fejes) for all the excellent quality cabinet and woodworks
- Mate Zoli for the wonderful hardwood floors
- Jeno Tamas, Lajos Hugyetz, Zoltan Jobagy, Laszlo Parcser for their wonderful effort and help.